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About MLC
The Messianic Literary Corner (MLC) is an independent grace oriented Messianic Jewish ministry launched in 1997 by Marshall Beeber, a Messianic Jew (Hebrew Christian) since 1973. In the last twenty six years MLC has evolved in its format to encompass studies in gracious freedom, basic prophecy, scientific and archaeological apologetics and poetry. It also has an Amazon.com Associate Book Store and Facebook Community Page and Facebook Group. MORE >
Torah Observances & New Covenant Freedoms!
If the Gospel's freedom is suppressed for the sake of upholding the Law (Torah), then those that put Torah above the true Gospel of grace are scriptually admonished to abandon the contradictory elements of their theology and submit their Torah observance to New Covenant principles. MORE >
Prophecy Study Series
True biblical prophecy can be defined as: "an explanation of how God has dealt with humanity in the past, and is dealing with humanity in the present and future". Without having such a "biblical-historical perspective" we would simply be lost with uncertainty. MORE >
Science, Supernatural & Scripture!
Articles on science and biblical prophecy challenging modern secular viewpoints. Other articles focus attention on biblically related phenomena and their plausible scientific explanations. MORE >Challenging Modern Secular Biblical Archaeology Thought!
Many Biblical archaeologists have abandoned their long held "Biblical-Historical" approach in research to a secular one. Despite the accumlating archaeological and geological evidence testifying to major Biblical events, these academics still refuse to accept such evidence. MORE >
Amazon Associate Store
The primary reason for this online store is to provide educational materials for those interested in Yeshua (Jesus) and the gospel's Jewish heritage. Without promoting these materials the goals of this website ministry would only be partially satisfied. Facebook Group & Webpage
Are you tired of all those Messianic social networks that are more focused on Torah observance than spreading the true gospel of gracious freedom? We invite you to join us to learn more about grace oriented teachings and fellowship with over seven hundred great believers in Messiah. Don't Leave MLC Without Visiting Our Poetry Collection!

The Messianic Literary Corner, formerly the Messianic Poetry Corner. was launched in 1997. It's original poetry ministry continues with the works of over seventy poets. You can browse through our poetry postings in our "New Poetry Showcase" and "Endtime Poetry Showcase" or select from the artists listed. We hope you will enjoy the wealth of poetic "God-Praising" talent we have at MLC. If you are or know of talented Messianic Jewish (Hebrew Christian) or Gentile Christian poets who love the Jewish People and would like to post their poetry at MLC, feel free to contact MLC. MORE >